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Sigmund Freud Museum

Sigmund Freud lived in house at 19 Berggasse for almost half a century, from 1891 to 1938. This is where the Father of Psychoanalysis wrote his standard works such as “The Interpretation of Dreams”(1900), received the official announcement in 902 that the Emperor had awarded him an associate Professorship, and in 1923 developed the Theory of the Ego and the Id. A number of the 15 rooms the house – the vestibule, waiting room, consulting room and study – were turned into museum, with original furniture, by the Sigmund Freud Society in 1971. Documents and photographs illustrate the great man’s career up until he emigrated to London, which is where his famous couch is now to be found. The anteroom, complete with hatstand and walking stick, and the waiting room, which its plush upholstery from the turn of the century, are almost exactly in their original state. This is where the psychological Wednesday society – met for his weekly seminars until 1908. Also on display are items from Freud’s antique collection, much of which he kept in his study. These were subsequently donated to the Society by his daughter Anna, who also provided the narration for the film about the life of the Freud family.